Here is a great shot of Coki, pulling into a nice right.

Coki, shot 2.

Coki, Shot 2

What would a day at the beach be if it weren’t for the chicks?

Here is a cool shot by Roberto.

Switching locations for a second…the waves weren’t quite as good up north today, but they were still super fun and nobody was out. This is a beachbreak, near Leon – there are miles and miles of empty barrels.

This place reminded me of some of the beaches in Mainland Mex. Dumpy, hollow and strong. This was the view when we pulled up in the early morning. These waves are about head-high.

The wind varied between offshore and sideshore all morning. I was hoping to get some pics of other surfers, there just wasn’t anybody out. This is how it looked when I got out. Not only was it super fun, it showed definite potential.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.