Carlos Caliente was out of control today, check this sequence out. I know he’s a big charger wave and we are missing Pancho Sanchez. Shot 1.

Shot 2, looking for it.

Shot 3, getting ready to cut it.

Shot 4, nice one my friend.



Now he doesn’t has any surfboard to ride and he is asking to the journalist to get one for him because we’ll have good waves for tomorrow.

This is Jairo

Here is Roque

He knows the wave better tham everybody, he was the only surfo who got barrel today. Good job dude.

I was keeping this shot from the last contest but It’s a good time to post it.


There were some good rights with no takers.


Sunshine, Sunday Funday, and a surprise jump in swell size. A great way to round out the weekend. @tonyzphotos reporting.