The right was firing but the winds were messing around, making it a little tough out there. Unknown rider looking down the line!

We had a couple of rippers working on their backside. A nice slashy for the camera, it never hurts!

The swell started picking up and we were so stoked, ready to get some of it. Get it man, get it!

Pancho Sanchez was already in when all the nice sets started coming in so he had to paddled out again. Right away he scored some fun one and pulled into some sick ones.

Black Bart just got into town and this morning he made it out to get a little warm up. Here he is caugh with a pretty late take off on this left. That’s how he does it!!! Welcome down BB!

Carlitos has this place all dialed up. He knows where to sit and when to hit the breaks. Getting ready for the barrle section!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. Yuji hard carried the report again. The wind was relatively calm and favorable, so that was nice. Surfline was wrong about the size again though. Smaller than called for.

Hola and bienvenidos to our daily surf report here at NSR. We woke up this Sunday morning to see if we couldn’t score some waves. We knew there was swell in the water but the beach break wasn’t putting out – waist high peelers weren’t going to cut it. Not one to be easily discouraged..