Lenin try to get into a tiny tube but with not result. He drag his hand in the wall of the wave for stop, but never was cover for the curtine. So I just will pay two dollar to him. Done.

My good friend Arlin is a really good chef here and after the coking the lunch he decide to get a surfboard and go ride some waves.

I give Katty five dollars for three waves but she only have two wipeout and this wave so I need to get back again. I know she don’t will give me again.

Lenin trying again for have some cash, but with this closing out wave i say no way i give you money. Next.

So I see this Pro surfer from RSH. Lester just received a check of three hundred dollars per month just for dress this clothing. So he don’t accept less than ten dollars. What!!!!!!!

This surfers were for about a hour try to catch some good waves and they get couple in forty minutes. Lester just sit down for three minutes and get the best wave of the day. Good for make two turns. Well the surf is like that. Hopefully tomorrow is better, so be tuned with the daily surf report. Armando lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

We stayed around San Juan Del Sur area today and we scored some small but fun waves. Waist to chest high waves on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore and the water was great. Check it out!!!