Check out the spray behind the wave… now imagine how hard it is to drop against these winds.

First peak was sneaky, randomly you could see this good looking waves but nobody was there to try them out.

There were only 3 guys surfing this early, and they were focusing on the rights by the middle of the beach.

Here is the main reason why they were mostly looking for the rights.

As I said, the drops were hard against the strong winds, but if you made it on the big ones.

You got a really nice reward, not bad, right?

Here is a normal sight here at Santana, an A-frame breaking right in the middle of the beach.

And with A-frames everybody can enjoy going left.

Or you can go right, it’s your call… frontside or backside, what do you prefer?

If you go early to the beach there are big chances of seen monkeys everywhere.

It’s a great time to go for a walk on the beach, just like this mother and her baby. Time for breakfast and more work. Saludos!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Happy Tuesday everyone, if you’re just chiming in for the days surf report. Today I shot with a particular theme in mind… and that was STOKE!