Todays conditions were way better than yesterday, but the crowd was patiently waiting I think because I didn’t see as many people out as I did today.

Kevin was one of the smarter ones to head down a little early before the tide got a bit fuller.

Brett is visiting from Florida and I bet you he’s super stoked to be here in Nica right now.

I mean wouldn’t you if you were scoring waves like this???

The real advantage is to live here year round. Like my man Yuji, here!

Always good to see the homie Colin and his family back after a long trip. You ready for some juicy waves hermano!

Gav always smiling when he’s throwing some big buckets!

I’m not sure who this long haired kid was, but he was getting a lot of waves and on the hunt for some barrels all afternoon.

Scott’s truly a short boarder and he loves when the waves are way bigger than like today. But this is exactly why they make long boards. At least for him.

Emi leaning into one super sick carve in the later afternoon.

I’m not sure if the swell is dipping or not, but I sure hope tomorrows the same.. if not, bigger!!

I think Cesar would also agree!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hello everyone, this is Baldo with the early morning report from Santana beach. The waves were good with 3-4 feet but the winds are still strong.