The swell is in the small playful fun size and the winds were a bit strong earlier, but it cleaned up pretty nicely just in time for the arvo session.

What’s better than showing up to go for a surf and there’s only a handful of people out and there are nice little a frame nuggets lined up and down the beach.

Seeing the same thing happen (as mentioned above ) a few times before you can even make it out to the lineup.

Like I said, it was small and playful.

But when you’re on vacation and this is what mother nature throws your way, I’m sure it could be a whole lot worse.

There were actually some pretty good surfers out there this afternoon.

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess they’re from places that produce very similar type waves.

Because they surfed these waves today like it was their home.

Not all people come here to surf. True fact. This wasn’t the case about 10 years ago, but then again, rising third word country travel destinations, like Nicaragua, are bound to attract all types of people who enjoy a warm tropical climate (surfing is just one of the added bonuses).

This is an image of one of the added bonuses.

Golden hour flights are pretty normal around these parts of Nica-Land.

Not to mention seeing our “heading home for the day” rush hour traffic.

Good thing we don’t have cops here, like you would normally see in the bigger cities. Otherwise, Cesar might have gotten a speeding ticket.

One more added bonus image for good measure.

Small, playful and…. wha.. wha.. whaaaat! Check out the fun micro barrels we had on tap tonight.

The end of the day cool breezes and tropical hot sun melting away for the day, made for quite the romantic stroll right at sunset.

There you have it amigos! Another fine day down here in Southern Nicaragua. We’re all gearing up for the big Semana Santa Week which is coming up soon. If you have plans to come here during that time, it’s a good idea to book all your travel plans soon. This place is going to be maxed out with people from all over. Hope to see you here for the festivities. Cheers ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. Yuji hard carried the report again. The wind was relatively calm and favorable, so that was nice. Surfline was wrong about the size again though. Smaller than called for.

Hello amigos! Hope everyone is doing as good as we are here on the warm, sunny, Nicaraguan coastline! Welcome to the surf report for this second Tuesday in March! I was at the beach early and found some great waves with a slight crowd out enjoying the morning!

Hello and welcome to another week of the surf report. We wake up with nice waves rolling in front of the NSR beach house. Lefts and rights were working for two hours during the tide going down. Check it out.

Hey party people!!! Good afternoon and welcome back. Today Armando and I woke up early to see what mother nature had in store for us in the wave department. We were stoked when we walked up and saw this set coming through. It was running waist to head high with light winds and great form.