Even though the sets had a little lully-time in between them, when they did come in, it was ON! Colin on an in-betweener.

Hayden didn’t even bother stopping to watch it for a second. He just waxed up and was running down to the water.

Of course when you roll up and see this happening at this particular surf break, you put a lot of things on hold.

Kippa came from half way around the globe to surf this spot.

Looks like his timing was perfect! It also helps when you’re here visiting with the NSR crew who know exactly when to strike this spot on the money!

Ahhhh it feels oh so good to be able to have my “mystery deep barrel surfer of the day” back on the report. Did you guys miss it too??

Btw, John has pig dog too, betcha didn’t know that!

The lighting was just about as equally epic as the waves themselves were out there this morning.

Fun fact of the day (which could be fictional or non-fictional): Did you know that “The Surf Ranch” aka Kelly’s wave was loosely based on this wave in Nicaragua. Just look at the shape… need I show you more proof???

A new swell, the exact day of the middle of March, clockwork offshores and Colin Eberly taking off on a PC nugget. I think the stars have aligned.

The good thing about having a surf spot that can throw the most perfect barrel your way, but then sometimes can also throw the occasional closeout. You own a boogie board!

What the F@#&!%&#! – LOOK WHO DROPPED INTO TOWN!!!

He literally fell from the sky! Bienvenido Pancho!!!!

It’s a good thing everyone was surfing PD’s for the last couple of months… you know, because we all need a break from barrels from time to time.

You wanna know who got (IMHO) the best barrel sequence of the day…. this kid right here! You like see it???CLICK HERE!

Mr Hayden, with Balls and Glory! It’s a good combo.

Barrel surgeon of Colorados and style master of the past decade…. Sr. Carlos Perez.

Example #2.

Example #3.

Example #4.

Yes, even with showing just 4 shots of an otherwise exceptionally epic complete sequence. Carlos NEVER ceases to amaze at his beloved favorite wave.

Hot Carl coming up the beach and yes, it was hot, the beach, the waves and especially his tubo from earlier in the report… go back and check it if you think you missed him. You have to look really good because he’s getting super pitted!Thanks for stopping by and checking out the Friday surf report worldwide surf fans. Definitely come on back tomorrow, cause it should still be fun out there! SBS is out ~**Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there! AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very clean this morning, but nobody wanted to surf at low-tide. There were still a few good corners scattered across all of Pangas’ peaks.

Hey everyone, this is Baldo reporting from the golden hour at Santana beach. Today I had a busy day and I barely made it to the beach on time for the last rays of sun.