The reef starts just about here and it stretches all the way down to there. Reef? There’s a reef? Hahaha – No there’s no reef, but still a classic line from one of the best surf movies ever!

It’s all sand bottom here…. but you line it up here like this amigo and you’ll be cruising into one of the best waves of your life here in Nica-Land!

Hurry DUDE…. get around that section…. you can pull it off and get under that lipper!

So much cleaner than yesterday by 100%

And to our advantage… yes that means “You guys” checking the report and thankfully for me, there were quite a bit of people out surfing.

Sometimes you just have to pack a closeout, because every surfer needs to see the view as OFTEN as possible!!!!

Ricky and Derek have very similar old school mixed with new school surfing styles. It’s no wonder Rick and D-man are good business partners! Nice one Ruzzi!

Spray em and chalet em! What an epically nice morning for surf!

Gonna have to kick out with this beautiful parting shot of this lonely empty one going unridden way down the line. Hope you enjoyed todays goods! I’ll be back again mañana!Saludos ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very clean this morning, but nobody wanted to surf at low-tide. There were still a few good corners scattered across all of Pangas’ peaks.

Welcome to the Monday surf report chicos! It’s a new week and a new swell is gracing out lineups… so you’re in for a nice little treat of photo goodness for todays happenings. Enjoy ~

Hola amigos!! Brian here logging on for the Sunday Funday surf report. We had some super fun (and a little chili) waves out there today with only a couple of people out sharing waves for a few hours while I logged in some good shutter clicks. Take a look by clicking that “read more” button!