No one was interested in throwing down with the wind, so John once again hard carried the surf report. #legend

He opted for the 9ft today (and I don’t blame him with the wind), but riding the 9 requires some serious back foot pressure during one’s bottom turns.

Even though John has a large frame, even he wasn’t able to get the 9ft to “snap” around. You’d have to be a big unit to turn a board like this on a dime.

Fading the takeoff. So stylish bro.

The great thing about the 9 is that you can get some insane drive if you set the rails and fins correctly, then extend.

Smooth, slow, and well calculated carves were about the best you could hope for today.

Speaking of well calculated carves…

Eeeyy! The PELI-CAmeo. *crickets*

John risked it for the biscuit with this quick end-section tap. It may look like a trivial make, but these are difficult moves to pull on really long gear.

Another (windy) day in paradise. We should see the wind decline in the next couple of days, but the swell continues to bleed with it. Tuesday next week kicks off another mini-pulse of waves. Thanks for checking in and most of all to John for always hard-carrying the report. Hasta mañana.

Sunshine, Sunday Funday, and a surprise jump in swell size. A great way to round out the weekend. @tonyzphotos reporting.

You know when they say that your home break is world class. . . I guess when you have a roster of some of surfings gnarliest to the most stylish surfers amongst the biggest names in the surfing community; coming here on the REG, that’s sayin’ something about the top best & elite, loving this..