What about this other view? This is from the new remodeled Casa Brown. You could be out there surfing or out here in this chair waiting for the right conditions to paddle out. I think I mentioned a few days ago that we are giving a 10% discount on all our Rancho Santana properties during June, but you have to reserve in in March! Hurry Up!

And once you are here in Rancho Santana you also will have access to Jiquelite beach, also known as Santana beach (because of the resort), another great spot and host of the ISA World Juniors Championship in 2014.

Santana was on fire today. Nice peaks with great walls both ways. Check out the smaller waves at first peak.

It’s been months since the last time Mikaela appeared on the surf report, if she was out surfing that means the waves are really good.

Check out the size and the open face waiting to be smacked and slashed, beautiful!

Of course, it’s easier to do the smacking and slashing on the small ones.

Jairo, a Santana local, showing how to do a proper slash, way to go bro!

Big beautiful smile! She is having a blast!

A nice peak at first peak gone unridden… what a shame, what a shame.

That’s it for today guys, don’t worry though, there are plenty of waves on their way to our beautiful coastline so, keep checking the report because the waves are staying for a few days.

Hello Monday, The swell continues into today with some cleaner conditions. There were some long waits, but for the few patient people in the water there was some glory to be had. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Good afternoon and Happy Sunday. We saw a nice jump in swell today from yesterday. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell definitely began to fill in today. The main challenge was the wind and extreme tides. This morning the tide was low, and the swell was just starting to fill in, but the wind was favorable which was good.

Hello to everybody out there tuning in with us! Welcome to the Sunday surf report here at NSR! Another day of lovely weather and fun waves down here on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua! Check out the surf!