Jeison, (as I saw all over social media) was getting super shacked over the last few days….. but looks like he’s not done having fun!

Like I always say kiddos! You put in the time and YOU too can surf like this one day!

Jeison’s put in hours, days, weeks and years into his surfing AND it shows!!! I wonder what his mouthy “GoPro” shows from all those super deep sick barrels he pulled into yesterday and the day before??? Hmmmm, But sick turn here hermano!

Well, getting barreled is getting barreled, however you look at it.

Loving these water colors lately and the winds have calmed down considerably, so the water temps are back up to that tropical warm bath water feeling once again.

Local LB ripper out there getting loose in todays playful sized waves.

PC’s s a fast but for sure 8 out of 10 times makable barreling wave, maybe more depending on who you are, but here’s a good example of how quickly you need to be to keep up with this epic reeling sand bottom wave.

Man on FIRE today! Garson, serving up more rain on a completely cloudless and otherwise, perfectly sunny Sunday.

Dream on dreamers. . . this wave is waiting for YOU!!!!

Air B n be like this dudie!

It was really the “Jeison Show” out there today. Everything else I was watching and shooting, even though everyone out were also ripping too, Jeison was the one who put the level marker up. . . I mean WAAAAY UP!

Still enough swell for some leftover barrels.

And I am pretty sure JG got his fair share of some insane rides the last couple days. Out again today, because when there’s waves, nobody works. Well, ok he’s retired and it’s Sunday, but it’s still one of the best lines from The North Shore, the movie. JAJA

SHACK ATTACK and the season has begun!!!!!!

Treating people, individuals, family, friends, heck just anyone who has a beating heart and is human with respect is a bit like stocks. You’ll usually get so much back in karma dividends, like J here. . . perpetually stoked and proudly showing his sponsorship. The moral of the story is, you take good care of your people, AND they’ll take care of you in return! It’s the circle of the good in life ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hello Tuesday, we had a fun morning of surf today. Winds were a bit light and the faces were looking clean. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Welcome back to the Daily Surf Report! It’s a nice and warm Saturday with a dropping swell but still some fun waves, a bit windy but we are getting closer everyday to the light winds and big swells of the High Season. Check it out..