Jason not ready tp part with the neoprene, but for good reason, it’s still not back to it’s 80+ degree temperature (yet)!

Joel…. always on a roll…. looking for that glorious barrel! Wait for them buoy’s to kick into high gear, which should be pretty soon brother!

There were just some little shampoo barrels out there today, but the conditions were exceptionally pretty good, considering how hard them winds were cranking out there!

Midday turns and spray for days on this Funday Sunday!

Only one gal out, but there were only 4 people out when I got down there, so she was doing pretty well amongst the caballeros!

Part time life rescuing persona and 100% surfing/waterman….. the locals here take their favorite past time pretty serious around here. But have to give all the Santa Marta Crew some serious “Props” for stepping in and helping with the ever precent (now thanks to Megan – regardless of the constant battle with the politics that comes such things -sadly) Everyone who’s taken to this new job duty and has had eyes on our beloved beach after a very sad and untimed drowning, I can’t think of anything MORE important than this beach needs more on any level!!!

Haha – YES!!!! I’ve had visions of “Hawaiian Style” life guard chairs on this beach all the way back in the early 2000’s! Señor Lesther, sitting High and Proud with his well deserved and well earned title in that Chair of Kings! Kings of the Ocean and water safety! Lookin good buddy!!!!

No Jason will aways know he’ll have his counterparts never miss a single one of his waves, while they’ll always be watching from the ‘High-Chair”! jajaja

Hello Tuesday, we had a fun morning of surf today. Winds were a bit light and the faces were looking clean. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Welcome to the freakin’ weekend! Another beautiful Saturday here in Nica and although the swell has dropped a bit there always seems to be waves if you go looking.