This is Ted “El Macua” Key going big with a nice air maneuver. He was representing very well the mark of his board. Just check out his arms (WINGS) and you will figure it out.

He did really good adjustment in the last wave. Check him out scoring one of the better set waves of the day.

In the final shot of the day, Rich and Ted, giving a shout out to Colleen and Laura – a representation of what the future holds for Max and Kainoah. DEACACHIMBA!


Meanwhile, up towards San Juan Del Sur, the NSR Surf School was at it again, taking advantage of perfect learning conditions and an empty beach. This is Oliver Solis, going over the fundamentals on the beach before taking it to the surf.

First up we have Sarah from Vancouver. She was feeling a little sick today but still managed to make it look easy. This was her first wave.

Check out Oscar on this one. Today was his first time ever on a surfboard. Gotta love the style!

Check out Evan, stepping it up a notch and going down the line on this nice little left.

It wasn’t all kids out there today. This is Chris showing us that Dad can have fun too!

Everyone had a blast and caught tons of waves today. Thanks for hanging out with the NSR Surf School – The first and only surf school in Nicaragua!We have a new swell on tap for this week. It might even start showing up tomorrow afternoon, so check back with us.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Alright folks, it is Lucha Libre reporting from Playa Venao in Panama. Today we got the first day of the contest and we have all the surfers excited specialty Roque Calderon. He’s going to be the first Nicaraguan surfer to participate in the TRAILS today. The wheater conditions are pretty good today, it’s running about..