Waves were coming in all over the palace, all you had to do was find your pace out there in the mixed up lineup!

The photos actually make it look a little better than it really was believe it or no?!?!?!

Finding a section like finding a parking spot at the mall on Christmas eve! Hahahaha

This guy got lucky and rode his wave all the way into the sand!

This wave actually opened up for a little moment but not for very long.

We need some swell, actually and you won’ hear this vert often, but the winds needs to backdown from such strong offshores too!!

This was the longest and best ridden wave I think I saw the entire time I was out there. Nice one Chica!!!

Ahhhhhh, a las, something nice to look at that looks nice and friendly and doable!

Yup, getty’up cowboys! It was more of a horseback beach riding day today, for sure!!!
Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots www.nicaraguasurfshots.com from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!
AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR www.instagram.com/surfnsr/ or my photography here Nica Surf Shots www.instagram.com/nicasurfshots/

Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell definitely began to fill in today. The main challenge was the wind and extreme tides. This morning the tide was low, and the swell was just starting to fill in, but the wind was favorable which was good.

Happy Sunday Funday from the land of emerald coast and waves that you often dream about! Well, today I decided to take a little mini adventure and go scope out some otherwise unseen surf breaks for a bit. Plus it was nice to get away from the mundane for a second too! Enjoy ~