Fun comes in all shapes and sizes… in this particular case, I’m referring to the board choice(s) on small, but fun days like we had today.

Fun could also be just relaxing on a nice comfy chair reading a good book, like Morgan here.

By the look on this kids face, looks he’s having one heck of a fun time.

Or playing ball in a river bed that flows out to the ocean. Definitely fun!

Doing turns like this always makes for a fun session.

Going for a big group horseback ride with your family and friends here is becoming more and more popular. Also a lot of fun.

This guy is jumping for joy with how much fun he was having this afternoon.

NOW….. to me or any other surfer out there will certainly agree, this equals A LOT of fun, come the next big swell, (hopefully).

Surfing is always just so much fun. Which is why it’s so popular.

Daddy daughter dates, like this one here, priceless fun!

Turns are fun… but turns this like are Mega Fun!

A siesta under a tree as comfortable looking as this one, brings relaxing fun to a new level.

Cesar is the epitome of surfing fun.

Especially come 5 o’clock.

Where he gets to blow off some fun steam before the sun sets.

Taking nice sunset photos on a nice warm tropical Latin American vacation… muy divertido!

The one fun thing about seeing the sun set, I think, is getting excited to do it all again the next day.

And then there was the fun moon! Look at those creators. Ok chicos y chicas, thanks for popping in to see are day of fun. See you all tomorrow. Buenas noches y dulces sueños ~

Hello Monday, The swell continues into today with some cleaner conditions. There were some long waits, but for the few patient people in the water there was some glory to be had. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Good afternoon and Happy Sunday. We saw a nice jump in swell today from yesterday. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell definitely began to fill in today. The main challenge was the wind and extreme tides. This morning the tide was low, and the swell was just starting to fill in, but the wind was favorable which was good.