There weren’t many surfers out at Pangas this evening, but luckily John did me a solid and paddled out to hard carry the report.

The stylish end-section float.

Baldo was also one of the surfers catching a fair number of waves this evening. Always good to get some photos of part of the NSR team.

Backside check-turns are the name of the game at soft French Fries.

John’s timing was slightly off with this turn, but he still chucked some buckets out the back.

Baldo knows the rules. Set the board on rail, and hold on through the slice.

Good job staying active out there this afternoon Baldo.

John laying it all on the line with a high speed switch jump floater. Maneuver of the day.

The double hand drag pivot? If you don’t stay on rail at Pangas, you’ll burn speed really quick.

Baldo hanging tight with John in terms of spray displaced this evening. I’d say Baldo chucked the most buckets of the day here. Tomorrow Tony Z returns to the report, but the waves will be a little smaller and the wind could be a little swirly tomorrow too.

Hello Tuesday, we had a fun morning of surf today. Winds were a bit light and the faces were looking clean. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Hey everyone welcome back to the surf report today was a pretty nice day out in the water everyone looking like they were having a great time maybe around eighteen surfers out in the water when i got there and everyone catching waves one after the other, water not too cold anymore either.