Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, March 24, 2018

Brian Scott

Hey everybody, welcome to the Saturday surf report. I should say Saturday minimal people surf report. Because right now it’s like the calm before the storm. Hit that read more button and I’ll explain.

Brian Scott

So we’re just hours away from one of the biggest Nicaraguan Holidays of the year. That’s right, it’s time for Semana Santa.

Brian Scott

Each year, locals and beachgoers from across the globe make their way to the beaches of Nicaragua for some good time fun in the sun.

Brian Scott

Today, I say it was like the calm before the storm, because I literally had to wait for an hour before anyone even showed up to beach to surf.

Brian Scott

By this time tomorrow, people will start showing up and the crowds will fin in all week; since Semana Santana will run all week.

Brian Scott

Btw, this last sequence was a little example how fast the waves were running out there today.

Brian Scott

The lefts were doing just about the same thing.

Brian Scott

Fun, racy little lines coming in during the afternoon low tide.

Brian Scott

And then something like this would pop up every now and then. Looks pretty fun, right?

Brian Scott

Nothing much going here, just this mysto board getting gobbled up by this 3 foot closeout.

Brian Scott

Here’s another example of the fast takeoffs and pretty much un-makable waves during low tide. Quick take off..

Brian Scott

Pull in and get pounded…

Brian Scott

Rinse and repeat.

Brian Scott

Maybe it was a better day out on the ocean fishing??

Brian Scott

The lighting was super bright out there today, and the sand was about 200 degrees.

Brian Scott

But if you were looking south in this direction (this time of the day), you would see how amazing the light and water color actually was today.

Brian Scott

Sometimes I’m a little hard pressed to create a surf report for you all when I only have 2 surfers out in the water, which I know is GREAT for them, but I really can’e believe I’m saying this, but I can’t wait till we get quite a few more heads here; so I can make some really good reports for you guys all day every day here very soon!!

Brian Scott

The Hail Marry of the day. Go Chica!!!

Brian Scott

Well…. ya, it still looks fun regardless.

Brian Scott

Alright, maybe it’s time to head North to check some other surf spots for the day.

Brian Scott

Or cruise south and see what’s around the other bend.  Enjoy the rest of the day mis amigos!! Quédate sediento - Chao 4 now ~
