We got the day started at horse-shoes. Los Vatos locos made it out and they got some fun ones. Alejo with a cool off the top.
El Capitan Tocayo worked out better on his fins and this was the result. Well done muchacho!
Paulo was ripping hard as usual. Check him out going straight up the lip on one of the bigger sets.
A few other dudes made it out and they shredding up a s well. Hackin’ it up!
Lefts were peeling off with no takers. Come on, somebody take it please!
Cool right handers as well. It was crazy to see the real waves rollin’ in with nobody.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Everything keeps going crazy in Nicaragua for the last day of party for this Eastern Week. The waves are still small but super fun, running about chest high on the bigger sets, the winds died down a little bit and the water warmed up a little as well. Check it out!!!