Gerardo “El Mope” Miranda made it out today and was practing hard for the upcoming QUIKSILVER PRO in Salvador. There he is with a cool spray.

What about El Mope’s chick, now he’s doing some surfing too becaus eshe wants to be with him all the time. Check her out riding a nice right. Shes’ thinking about to participate in the National Contest in Leon so watch out Cenicienta.

Roque “Balboa” Calderon was shredding all over the place today with so much power. Here he is with a sweet snap.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi this is Roberto with the first report of the month, It looks like we are getting some swell out here in the bay. It’s waist to chest high on sets and I think Maderas is over head on sets and the wind offshore.