Popoyo with its long lefts, surrounded by salt flats and right in front of a few hills and a sand dune, the perfect spot to capture the beauty of Popoyo with your camera.

But today was not “normal”… the peak was wide, or actually, there was no peak at all… but that didn’t disturbed the shape of the waves on either way.

It was all about finding the right place to wait for the waves and pick the right line, the waves did the rest.

Of course, it’s more fun when you do everything on the waves… like throwing big sprays with a tight cutback.

The light and the wind hit this break really good in the late afternoon, and most of the surfers here know how to take advantage of that.

And of course, there are always one or two photographers willing to portrait the good moments of Popoyo.

Depending on the location of the take off you could find some fun sections to do some floaters.

And if you were lucky enough, instead of a floater you could find a little barrel here and there.

Big turns and big sprays, Popoyo style.

Popoyo is famous for its lefts but the rights are also really good, but today were a little difficult because you surf against the offshore.

On the lefts the wind actually helps to throw a more espectacular spray, and “El Loco” Samir knows this very well.

This is Samir’s last wave of the day, look at him saying good bye to the ocean with a high five! Time to go for us too. Have a great week!

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.