For those of you out there that have never been here during Easter it’s pretty much madness! Everyone from all over the country head towards the beach for a week of vacation and fun. Here is a shot of our local river. I plan on posting a photo everyday of this same spot this week so everyone out there in webland can see the increase in the crowds by the day.

Okay back to the surf. There were difinitely some super fun waves to be had this afternoon. We had quite the beach scene going on. Here is our very good friend Ashley Blaylock having a go at a inside right. Nice to see you here visiting us for the week Amiguita!!

You know little man Josh was on it today. He was catching the best set waves and riding them all the way to the beach. We all know that it doesn’t hurt to weigh only 90 pounds. I remember when I was just a lad it was so nice that chest high waves seemed so big.

Lester was on his game today as well. Everytime I looked up he was up and riding and smashing the lip.

My main Nica behind the trigger was out and destroying the poor little waves on his Panga. I love when Armando (Codo) is out because he always has the time of his life no matter what the conditions are like.

George was part of the pack and he was catching some sweet peaks. Nice style on this round house.

Lester up and at it again. This photo shows that there were some good sized waves coming in now and again.

Codo, Heather and myself went out for a lunchtime surf and we all had some really fun waves. This is just one of the many perks when you work for a great crew of family. Sometimes we take a break and all get to go for a surf together. What could be better than that? Not much my friends. I Love this place!!!

Thank you for tuning in and we hope you will check back tomorrow. The wave forecast looks a bit on the small side for the next couple of days but that won’t stop us from having a great time!! We all know that it’s always fun here in Nicaragua. Make sure to check us out at www.nicaraguasurfreport.com for any questions you might have about coming down for a visit. We will be bringing you all of the action from our part of Central America. This is D-Lite and Armando signing off for today. Paz my friends!!!!!!!!!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello everybody. This is Wednesday report. Moderate offshore wind, good size waves in the sets, a few people in the line up and some place have Jellyfish. A realy sunny day.