A few locals and a bunch of interntaional pals made it out today and they were having a blast. Lester enjoying the view!

Joe El Venado Blanco was taking advantage of the lineup this morning. It was only him and big caveman Carl ownin’ the place. Joe picking up a sweet one!

Lots of sick waves were rolling in today and I was there to prove it. Tylor dropping into a sick right hander!

Everyone out there wanted to get barrel, but sometimes you can not get too high at this spot. Paying some taxes!!!

Our buddy Andy El Gallo Rojo just got down and today he was doing his thing. Here he is getting shack on this sick little barrel!

Wave of the day goes to Caveman Carlitos Caliente. Enjoy the sequence!

Totally shacked!!!

Where the hell he went?

Is he still in there? Keep an eye on him!

3 seconds later he is still going!!!

Holly s!!!!!!!

I bet he is so stoked on it! Clean and safe!

Borrador made it out right at noon and he was still able to score some fun ones. Styling on his backside!

A few girls made it out on the boggies and they were having a good time. Jessica just steps away from fun!

Super Caña was part of the show we had out there. It has been a while since we posted a photo of him, so here is one to keep it real. Hot drop on a killable right!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hey people! We’re back with another update from an undisclosed surf spot in Nicaragua! The waves were a lot like yesterday… lots and lots of barrels! The sun was shining, the water refreshing, and the following photos speak for themselves on how fun the waves were!