Use your personal time wisely, go surfing or something… and if you stay in front of the computer at least use it to jump head first (like this guy!) into planning your next surf vacation in Nicaragua with NSR… hey, at least this guy is in the water, right?

In the middle of the beach there were a few others surfers but this guy was getting all the fun ones.

Up and down the beach there were plenty of long, empty waves.

This guy came out of the water saying that he surfed really bad today, let´s take a look at the evidence to see if he was right or not… Evidence #1: On many waves we saw him throwing buckets of water on every turn.

Evidence #3: Here he is again locked in on a good-looking, crystal blue, glassy barrel. What´s the verdict? You be the judges.

And just for fun… here is Bryan looking curious about what´s below and over the falls. Oh, how many times I´ve done just exactly that.

And that´s another Monday morning in Nicaragua. I hope I lifted your spirit enough to make it through the week. Cheers!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hola chicos and welcome to the Sunday Funday surf report at NSR! This is Parker updating you on today’s action. Look at our shots!