High tide was right after midday which means that you have to be careful with the sun, just like Etienne here with an extra layer of sunscreen, hey buddy, you missed a spot right on the forehead!

Etienne has being living in Nicaragua for more than a decade, and he knows that the best way to protect yourself from the sun is to find some shade.

Santana was full of A-frame peaks like this one… little by little the sandbar is finding the right shape right on time for the season to start.

The good conditions attracted several women to the lineup, here is an unknown rider on a good right.

Emeline is considered one of the “locals” here at Santana, she is always here when it’s good.

Even Buena Onda Aurelia showed up today!

Elyin Guzman didn’t miss the good conditions either.

Monchito was killing it today, he has a great style that not always shows.

Everyone was having a great time today, excited about the great conditions.

Can you believe that we are very close to have waves like this (and probably bigger) for the next 6-7 months?

Elyin looks more than ready for the season, don’t you think?

Lets see what the next few days bring here at Santana. Can’t wait! Cheers everyone!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hey everyone! Welcome back for more surfing action… I say that with much pleasure, as our new swell has arrived. Checkity Check it!