Some of that new (or same swell) but it’s supposed to be on the downslope.

It was certainly a bit smaller, but as you can see it was still plenty of good old fun!

That high tide really had some backwash kick to it, Right John??

But that didn’t stop him from connecting a few dots out there.

Even Señor Springfield made it out…. well, he’s definitely pulling in… did he make it???? Order up a batch of his insane homemade cinnamon rolls and he’ll tell you! SICK ONE DAN the MAN!!!! 🙂

O-O of the Italian stallion of Italian cuisine, AKA Ananas very own Tatiana made it out today as well. Get some gurl!

If surfing ain’t yo thing… it was for sure a good day to go diving. Check out them flippers, hecka long eh? I’d say they’re a safe “flipper” distance apart.

“Come on pops, catch up and give me a fist pump for sharing this epic surf session together with me…..”

Oh snap!!!! Dan, buddy what happened??? You run over a turtle or something? hahaha – check Johns face too!

If there were a perfect size of a wave, I’d think this would be playfully close.

A tad overhead or close to it.

Never has crouching tiger been used, I think ever more than in surfing terms.

So back to that perfect size and shape thing. Yup, I still stand by what I said.

Its like that skatepark effect. Perfect little barrels and rampy or super carvable end sections. Because at the end of the day. We as surfers really don’t like getting beat down every session.

You wanna know what that face looks like every time you’ve ever missed the barrel??? (and trust me I’ve seen everyone do it at least once).

Aaaaannd here’s what it looks like without you in the barrel. Better luck next time chica!!! Don’t beat yourself up… there’s always next time!

Dry, seco and smoke filled air with fires burning atop the hillsides. Yup it’s April in Nicaragua.

Chris knows where to find safety from it ALL!!!

Any mathematicians out there? So if the average fine for surfing right now in the world is $1000 and the average wave is 2-5 seconds, how much is it per second to surf a wave???

All I know is Hot Carl could never be fined, only because he’s already so Fine! That’s why they call him Hot Carl btw.

If it’s going to be a long road ahead of us and I’m going to have to keep shooting the same people over and over… I better start getting more creative. haha

Or I could just ask if Tati can surf every time I’m shooting and I can post maybe one of her many families Italian secret homemade recipes as her caption? Would you guys like that??

Or if you’d prefer to see Dario… maybe he can give some informative tips on skating, kitesurfing or from what he just told me today that he’s learned foiling. Either that or maybe some musical tips. He’s a literal genius on the guitar!

You can flare, and you can wear underwear, just don’t dare to flare in your underwear!

The setup here is…. well, you say it… right now in your mid. How’s this setup look?

Danny’s answer is…. nice! Really really nice!!!

One more for for all you hot and bothered ladies in da home! *** please keep in mind, he’s newly married (sorry for ruining your little mini fantasy!) 😉

I would like to give a SUPER DOOPER, ONE HECK OF THE LOUDEST BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUTS TO THIS FINE YOUNG LADY TODAY!!! Terra is not only celebrating her B-day here in Nicaragua with us all, but she’s perhaps one of The Nicaragua Surf Reports biggest fans!!! Feliz cumpleaños amor!!!!

Alright, so I have this great joke that I want you guys to finish the punchline for me (maybe in our instagram posting?)…. So, three Springfields walk into a bar…. GO!Thanks for stoping in for your Friday surf report amigos. Always fun trying to see if we can keep your thirst quenched with some proper surf porn! See you all back here again tomorrow for Chris’s rundown. Chao 4 now ~

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hello everyone, welcome to another beautiful day at Santana beach. The waves were super fun today especially at high tide, take a look.