This is Juanito going left.

Check out the wave at Machete pt. It was pretty fun but nobody wanted to ride it.

Wait a minute, here is Marc from Florida charging at Machete pt.

The new swell came out with a new spot. Check it out.

Here is an empty wave, there were too many right with nobody on them because the water was too cold.

Aqui esta Juanito de nuevo con un bonito espray, espero ya aprendieron estas palabras. Here is Juanito again with a nice spray, I hope you’ve learned these words.

This is Goyo from Canada taking his best wave of the day. Check back tomorrow.

We’ve got a second set of photo’s in for today – these are from out in front of the NSR Casita! The wedge was really working today and “Jantana” was all over it. Check out this sequence.

It was definitely overhead on the sets today. This is Jantana, shot 2, airdropping in on the 8’6”.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.