Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Brian Scott

Welcome to the Tuesday surf report amigos! Another beautiful day in paradise, however, the nice juicy swell had diminished a little bit and it was super windy (pretty normal) but as quoted from a friend who was out there surfing, he said… “it was pretty difficult out there”!

Brian Scott

Yeah, with those kinds of winds, it’s really difficult to get into any waves. Let alone try and be in the right spot on those super shifty days, pretty much like how it was today.

Brian Scott

But Derek always makes it look easy!

Brian Scott

Maybe too easy! Hahaha

Brian Scott

I had a couple, (literally just two other amigos out there) battling out the rough conditions too.

Brian Scott

Derek rounding first and going for second with what looks like an easy pass around the classic second peak section

Brian Scott

Yeah buddy…. spanking the third basemen on that a$$ and heading for HOME! LOL

Brian Scott

There was a lot of this out there. Looks waaaaaaaay more easy and super fun surf able than it really was, I promise!

Brian Scott

And a lot fo this too… which actually puts things into a lot of really good perspective on why it was so - not so easy out there! Derek scratching over a really funky double up.

Brian Scott

Hey……!!!! You guys wanna see Derek pull a rabbit out of the ol’ hat trick, but in a surfers magic kind of way????

Brian Scott

Shizzzzzle BE Nizzzzle and Spazzle Korazzzle!!!! Alaaaaakabam and Alaaaaakazooo!!!!!!

Brian Scott

Forget about abracadabra!!! That was some salty stealthy super barrel magic right there!

Brian Scott

Hahahahaha…. right!!!!?!?!?! Sick one buddy!

Brian Scott

Alrighty my beach loving friends, that’s it for today. Hope these two little dudes have better luck with their fishing than the surf out there! Cheers ~