There were some nice rights coming in and the lineup was not busy at all. Ahhhhhhhh!

We had a few rippers out, shredding up some nice little sections. Way to go pal!

Rob was having a blast on the little nuggets as well. Working on his backside!

Garret paddled out for a little while and he got to ride some decent ones. Check him out dropping into a nice one.

There were a few international dudes having fun in the inside. Here we caught this guy with a cool round house!

We had some nice sized sets breaking in but nobody was taking them. What a shame!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

This afternoon we made it to PLaya Maderas, hoping to scored some fun waves and we did. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets were rolling in, the winds were nice offshore and the water was nice. Check it out!!!

Buenos!Welcome to our daily surf report here at NSR.Our man Lucha was shooting photos at a classified location this Thursday a.m. and the waves were macking!Sets were thundering in with some solid, overhead sets. The winds were blowing offshore, making for some more insane tubes!We are going to use this photo to make a set..