I figured I’d start out up north at the reef to check things out a bit since it was still high tide. Unfortunately, there weren’t too many people out, but there were definitely some nice sets rolling through… No takers??? Such a waste of a nice empty wave!

Looks like there was quite a bit of some fresh squeezed juice too! Hold the pulp amigo!

MB running on all cylinders in the cylinders.

Mornin’ Josh, just in time for the shred-fest!

It was GREAT to see Allison out this morning representing the chicas!

To Josh, pig-dogging is his version of morning coffee.

and this is him percolating and brewing…

I see he takes foam on top of his latte!

Jackson Obando is a staple at this break. He’s actually a staple at almost every break I see him surfing. His surfing is so rounded he can surf pretty much any kind of wave and make it look good. Case in point.

We’re gearing up for our exciting peak surf season and the waves have been nothing short of incredible so far. Have you seen what’s in store for the first part of May yet? All I can say is Get Ready!!!

Kevin Cortez is the Yin to Jackson Obando surfing Yang. Just apply exactly what I said about Jackson a couple of shots back and now make him a regular foot. I can watch these two all day long!

Rock n Roll baby!!

Even their spray is practically identical, who knows, maybe they’re really gemelos separated at birth??

This is another kingpin out in the lineup. Señor Lesther Espinoza. If you can’t find him… just look in the barrels!

here comes his disappearing act he’s so well know for…

bye bye Lesther…

I wonder what he thinks about or does in all that tube time?

perhaps he’s actually fishing in there?

and his infamous exit strategy.

Doggy-dooring his 8,342,954th tubo.

Hey speaking of all this food… Don’t forgot to stop on by Casa Ananas this evening for Seafood Italiano Night with Chef Tatiana Di SpiritoHere’s what she’ll be cooking’ up!* Robalo (snook) with green peppers & cream sauce served with garlic croutons* Gnocchetti or penne with salmon , cappers tomatoes or cream Sauce ;* red snapper baked with withe wine and roast zucchini ;* Shrimps skewers rolled in crispy bacon in a bed of mixed green salad and a cream of lemon & garlic!

Ok Amigos… Thanks for swinging by today for our Tuesday surf report. Stay tuned for the rest of the week and don’t get caught missing out on the live action and book your trip now by clicking here :http://www.surfnsr.com/pages/contact-nsrI’m telling you, this is going to be an epic season and if you’re still on the fence about taking that trip down, just look at this pic and place yourself right inside that barrel! It’s a no brainer… come get a drainer!! Hope to see you soon..!! Chao ~

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hello my friends. I hope you feel happy today with a lot of eager to surf. We have another great day of surf in Nicaragua. This time we take a boat and we checking some place in the north and not kidding, the waves were like a dream. Check it out.