Super High tides are great fun for skim boarding, always!

Or if you’re a surfer, looking for those high tide inside barrels.

You can see from the wave washed sand banks that this place had some high water lines today.

Surfer? Nope, a skimmer with some perfect conditions with some super sloppy sand banks to punt some little airs like this afternoon.

Today was definitely a good today out there to practice some fun turns.

Golden hour skatepark for these shore pound hounds.

Being from California myself, I’m used to seeing a lot of skim boarding. Although we rarely see it here, it’s kinda cool to see people taking to the waves in this form from time to time.

The swell has obviously dipped a bit, but we’re due for another good swell here very soon.

In the meantime, it’s best to always still try and have as much fun as you can out there!

Idan, finding an nice little inside nugget barrel to pack.

Idan’s travel buddy and all around global surfing compadre, Yanai, here making those turns I was talking about earlier count all the the way to the beach.

Diego, feeling the same way about his rail game on a fun little Tomo board.

Nice little wave with a nice little peanut gallery to watch you amigo!

Yanai, answering back with a nice little right.

Although this trip we saw some fun waves, I would still love to see my new friend out there on a solid 8-10 foot day getting shacked out of his mind.

Looks like you’ll just have to come back as soon as possible Hermano!

As the sun started to make it’s way back into the big blue Pacific… the Pelicans cruising south obviously had a destination in mind for themselves.

Less sunlight for me meant more opportunity to work on some of my speed blurs with a slower shutter speed.

Yippy Trippy Yanai!!!

I hope this new swell coming in is as forecast is as big if not bigger than this nice little one we just had.

Idan on a nice little sunset runner…

Coming flying out a little tubo?

Backside hack attack for the last wave of the day for Yanai.

Backside hack attack for the last wave of the day for Idan.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hola amigos and amigas! Welcome back to another great day of surfing here in beautiful Nicaragua! We still have some good swell out there so come join me for a few so I can give you a little taste of what we had a good portion throughout the day.