Dawn Patrolling at it’s finest! I was fortunate to link up early today with these fine gentlemen for a little excursion boat trip north to see what we could find at some of the point breaks and other nooks and crannies. Rise and shine with Blake, Wilson, Brandon and Hampton.

Once we arrived at our desired favorite low tide spot, we knew it was going to be on for the entire morning.

Especially knowing that the winds that have been howling lately would wreck havoc on some of the more exposed breaks. Pretty much almost sheet glass before 7am.

Brandon wasn’t taking anything less than the bomb sets that were coming in at the top of the point. Here it looks like me might have to navigate around some unruly snowballer, but once he makes it past that, it’s all green fields and about 200 yards of pure backside joy!

Party waves should and only be accommodated by two best friends. Wilson and Hampton enjoying the warm tropical delicious waves of Nicaragua.

Blake was at an advantage by going with the LB out there today. He could easily get in early and make the drop and setup for some frontside bliss!

Seriously though, if you can connect this thing from the top of the point and make it past me, you’re already in for about 100-150 yards.

The rest is just a wide open canvas with a huge mountain range as your picturesque backdrop.

Wilson taking one of the steeper drops of the day with the security of the grab rail. You never know if this thing might throw a little barrel? I’ve seen a few in and out’s here in the past 7 years.

Brandon setting up for something big. He’s a pretty big guy, so you can easily gauge todays size of waves with this photo.

Same thing with Hampton… leaning into a hard bottom turn on this well overhead set wave.

We ended up going to check a few more spots, but those winds really made it hard to pick a place that looked as good as the waves we had just come from. This particular spot, we happened to run into this famous dude!!!! Anyone recognize him????? It’s our very own… Mr. Baldo!!!!

and there goes Mr. Baldo over the falls with the lip because he was being funny and got put through the washing machine! Sadly, we couldn’t really stay and surf this beak (as good as it looked) and trust me, it was PUMPING! But they were having a little local surf contest.

So we made our way back up to our neighborhood and checked out all the beautiful scenic coastline of Nicaragua along the way. It was fantastic day out on the water, now it’s time to eat, rinse and repeat for another magical day repeat again tomorrow. Thank you for checking in to see todays surf report. We’ll catch you all again tomorrow. Cheers ~

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Hola mi gente, bienvenido al surf report de Miercoles. Just another beautiful day here in sunny southern Nicaragua. Check it out like these hombres!