I motoed up to shoot photos at Pancho’s favorite everyday spot. Who wouldn’t enjoy surfing that line everyday?!

After the barrel section, there’s a rolling face to bash. Pancho wanted to show off his sponsor’s stickers for the camera.

Pancho’s childhood buddy, Kip Hopkins, is in town for another visit. He couldn’t resist our waves so welcome back Kip!!

Bam!! Us East Coasters are always shocked when we first arrive. The waves can be small but they are still strong. Kip Hop taking advantage of the less continental shelf and powerful lip.

Waves ran in the shoulder high region with sets a touch larger. When the set waves came, the wedge was in full effect!

As a little boy, Pancho ran around the house the weilding his lightsaber and dreaming about being a jedi. After rigorious training, he’s unleashing his force powers on the spray.

A barrel… a cut… and an air. What else can you ask for in a wave?!

The peaks were working up and down the whole beach. Check out Magnific Rock in the corner. Cruise over there Saturday night for to see Codo DJ and join us for the party. Codo requests that you bring all your pretty amigas.

Even the in betweeners were chest high punchy nuggets. This guy was the first one and was ripping the entire session.

Him and his buddy (Cole in this photo) are in from Santa Cruz. It makes sense… Surf a perfect El Nino winter THEN take a surf trip while you’re in peak form!

They’ve been stoked on our waves and their set up at Nica Waves. Email me for the rest of y’all’s photos at[email protected].

Here, the wind is straight offshore. Don’t get hung up on the lip unless you can stick the drop.

And you have to make it to enjoy the barrel section. Surf here everyday so you can have the spot wired like Pancho.

Kip was sticking them too! Take off deeper so you stand up in the barrel and don’t take a straight drop.

And remember, the face of the wave beckons you. Yeah Kip!!

Local crews are starting to move back out to fish. Bigger game fish will be here soon!

Cole went for the back door on this set. Did he make it?!

Ahhh! It was his first wipeout and he tore up tons of other waves…

Some other guys were also paying their taxes to President Ortega…

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hello everyone and welcome back for your Monday NSR surf report. The waves were fun this morning running waist to head high with glassy conditions and the water was warm. The crowd was super mellow so there were plenty of waves to be had. Check it out!!