Ok, so here’s a visual 1-10 compared to yesterdays afternoon goodness (see yesterdays report if you haven’t had a chance to take a peek at it yet). I got down there this morning around mid – to medium low tide, going out quickly. There was certainly still a lot of swell in the water, but I had heard the first light and much higher tide wasn’t quite as good either. It had a bit or morning sickness on it and a lot of rips and foam from all the heavy water moving around out there.

BUT that’s not to say that there were still quite a few gems to be found out there. Here’s the top 8 waves I saw before it got totally drained out and I decided to call it a session (for the report) and for those who were out there charging the macking draining salt mines, Saludos!!

Jason always putting on a show when the waves are firing and he’s not busy working as a local lifeguard helping to save lives every day.

The sequence of this wave would obviously be way more impressive to see in its entirety, but all you would really see is what looks like an empty wave with no-one in it; but here’s the last frame (or first frame – however you want to look at it) where Jason reemerged from this super long right.

Mattay-O on a thicky. Check out that lip on that growler.

Jason made it a couple times on the report today, but then again that’s what happens when you charge like you see him doing here and even I (the photographer) am even impressed!

Still not as clean and buttery as yesterdays PM session, but I’m sure any of you would be stoked to surf this if and when your local break looked like this!

Nobody home on this one. The UPS and Fedex guys tried to make multiple deliveries, but nobody was there to receive their gift! Jajaaa

Jackson getting the last barrel shot of the day/report, and for obvious reasons! So wish I had been way down the beach with the “looking into the barrel view” on this one! He slayed this thing like it was nothing; got the most shacked I had seen out of anyone the whole time I was shooting and came out clean other than the mega spit that came shooting out behind him, and then he humbly dropped down and rode the rest in on his belly and probably said to himself…. “Yeah, that was a pretty good one!”

Always humble and always stoked even though he probably doesn’t realize that he’s one of the best surfers in his entire country! Yeah Jackson…. Yewwww ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hello everyone, welcome to another beautiful day of surfing in Nicaragua. Today is a special day last night it rain all night so today it’s officially the beginning of rainy season, which means that the surfing season is oficially here!