The lineup was completely uncrowd today, there were only two international guys out sharing waves with two local surfers. Here we have Mateo from Fl taking a nice sizeable set wave.

This spot doesn’t work very often but today there were many good ones coming through. Don’t you believe me? Here is this shot as a proof!!!

Norwin “El Chulin” Estrella was able to make the trip with me and scored a few fun ones out there today. Here I caught a nice shot of him working on his backside style.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hi folks, we are Lucha Libre and Come Pan with the surf report. Today we headed out up north because we have two groups who hire Lucha and Come Pan to take a bunch of cool pictures of them. The waves were small but there were still some fun sets coming in and they scored a..

Welcome to the surf report and the spanish class for today, or maybe I should say welcome to the crowded surf report. It’s over head on sets and the wind is offshore. This beach was the go-to spot with a number of boats and a large crew of traveling surfos among others crowding the lineup…