Muzzy, getting one the closest barrels I saw out there this arvo.

Carlos probably got the one legit barrel out there, but I must have missed it. But you can always count him for good content on either side of the lip on any given day.

Kei has quite a few sponsors… here’s the bottom side ones…

And here’s the top side ones. Nice way to promote your stickers amigo!

Maybe you’re old enough to know this movie dialog , can you guess what movie it’s from???Charlie: Excuse me, Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?Maverick: Yes ma’am, the data on the MiG is inaccurate.Charlie: How’s that, Lieutenant?Maverick: Well, I just happened to see a MiG 28 do a…Goose: We!Maverick: Uh, sorry Goose. WE happened to see a MiG 28 do a 4G negative dive.Charlie: Where did you see this?Maverick: Uh, that’s classified.Charlie: It’s what?Maverick: It’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.Charlie: So, lieutenant, where exactly were you?Maverick: Well, WE…Goose: Thank you.Maverick: Started up on his six, when he pulled in through the clouds, and then I moved in above him.Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?Maverick: Because I was inverted.Iceman: [coughs whilst saying] Bullshit.Goose: No, he was, man, it was a really great move.Charlie: You were in a 4G inverted dive with a Mig 28?Maverick: Yes, ma’am.Charlie: At what range?Maverick: Um, about two meters.Goose: It was actually about one and a half I think. It was one and a half. I’ve got a great Polaroid of it, and he’s right there, must be one and a half.Maverick: It was a nice picture.Goose: Thanks.Charlie: Eh, lieutenant, what were you doing there?Goose: Communicating.Maverick: Communicating. Keeping up foreign relations. You know, giving him the bird?Goose: [Extending his middle finger] You know, the finger!Charlie: Yes, I know the finger, Goose.Goose: Sorry. I hate when it does that.Charlie: [to Maverick] So you’re the one. Maverick: Yes, ma’am.

Even though it’s small right now, there’s still alway something to ride around on down here.

Back home in CA, this would be considered really nice!

The best perk of being a from under in the 3-4 foot range. Waves are always perfect size and pumping!!

That is unless you’re Maycol and you’re slashing our front on what looks like a 6’4”, Maycol, impressive how well you’re throwing that mini-gun around out there this evening.

The real peanut gallery…

The real peanut gallery… has front row seats to Kei Kobayashi little shred clinic.

Da boys taking note, although they can run a pretty good offensive line on these maneuvers.

It’s still impressive for the young guns here to see how a Pro QS surfer decimates our local waves from time to time.

When in doubt, stand like this…. especially if I’ve got my camera pointed right at you. Works every time!

Hmmm, shall it be langosta or fillet mignon tonight?? Decisions… decisions.

Ok, one more of the Kei clinic for good measure. Hows that ridiculously crazy vertical turn???

Alright my band of surfing brothers and sisters. Closing off this weekend report with a nice sunset stroll shot of some amigos enjoying that last little bit of their weekend and day. Lets see how this week goes for waves. As always, we hope it’ll be pumping again soon. Until then, nos vemos mañana ~

What a Wednesday! Our favorite beach break came back to life. Reborn the Monster!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from a confidential peak haha! The swell definitely showed up this evening and was our first dose of real swell in some time.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Hello everybody and Happy Earth Day! This is Hotsticks logging on with some morning shots from a nearby point. Check them out amigos!!