We keep looking around and found this other spot. There were some sick waves coming through all day long and we were taking advantage of the empty lineup. Check out this empty one rolling all the way in to the beach. This wave was easily double over head, don’t you think so?

Carlitos Caliente was so stoked to ride some big waves today. Check him out bottom turning this sick left hander. Hey Carlitos, maybe tomorrow you can get some big barrels as well.

I checked out a few spots up north today and almost nobody was out. Here we have killer wave tubing by itself. What a shame!!!

And here is the skinny guy just seconds after he got pounded on that thing. Sorry my friend!!!

There were some thick and heavy waves coming through. Here I caught a nice shot of Chapin from Playa Gigante taking a gigante wave. Just think about get hit by that thing right on your head. No thanks!!!

We always have some amazing wipe outs when there is a good a good swell in the water. Check out this unknown surfer going over the falls with a sweet style. Auchhhh!!!

Shot 3, waiting for the right moment to get into that thing.

Shot 6, behind the curtain.

Shot 9, spit included!!!

Shot 10, nice one buddy.

This was the scene when we got there, windy and huge currents all over the place. Codo and Chulin tried to make it out but they got washed out by one of the bigger sets. Hey Oliver, check out what you are missing buddy!!!

Alright folks, that’s all for today but check back with us tomorrow because we are going to get on this boat to look for more waves. This boat stopped by the bay at SanJuan del Sur “The World” coming from Bahamas it is a boat full equipment of condos where you can live with your family and spend the rest of your days in the water.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.