Another guy from Venezuela was sitting in the tube when somebody decided to share the wave with him. The rights were on fire today and many were fast but very hollow.

Carlos finally dropped in a wave that didn’t want to barrel from start to finish. He found a good section to throw a nice hack instead!

Some of these waves were super long. Check out the line on this right. I saw a couple of guys pull into two barrels on the same wave. Some wave huh?

Carlos pulling in on a sick section. He got super deep on this wave and ran all the way past me in the tube. Check out how glassy the conditions were!!

Boogies get shacked too! That’s all from up here today, the boys down south will be posting some shots later so stay tuned for some more action. Thanks for checkin’ out NSR and our daily surf report.

We went to the beach in the morning, one more time. Miguel took his camera out and captured a couple of cool shots for our report from down south. The waves were small but super fun, running about chest to shoulder head high on sets with quite strong offshore winds and the water was nice. Check out the lineup!!!

On the first surfing shot of the day we have our very good own Pancho Sanchez he was catching a lot of waves this morning. Look at him dropping in on this small but nice peak.

Luis La “Baloy Chamorro” took ride to the beach with us this morning, he was getting some fun waves. Check him out looking good with a cool maneuver on this closed out session.

As we said before the waves were super fun, and we had a few guys having a good time enjoying the waves. Here we have Pancho and Andrew riding together this little left hander, at the same time. Good job dudes!

La Baloy Chamorro was killing every single wave this morning. Look at him ripping on top the lip of this small but fun left hander.

The lineup was not very busy today, we only had about 3 or 5 guys including a new NSR friend in San Juan Del Sur. This is Andrew racing down the line on this nice wave. Welcome to Nicaragua my Friend.

Here we have one more time Pancho Sanchez, he was destroying every wave. Look at him throwing some buckets on this nice sized wave.

It’s nice to see that our down San Juan del Sur is progressing, because we had lot roads better that 3 mount ago. Check out this picture where everyone working very hard for has better roads.

On the last shot of the day we have this beautiful bird. Alright folks that’s all for today please check back tomorrow with us!

This just in…. Our good friend Greg (Bam-Bam) Bamford from Mango Rosa sent us this sick photo of his first sailfish of the season. Great job buddy! Just as I am posting this the NSR crew is calling me to tell me that the Dorado that we slayed today is fresh off the grill and ready to go. See you guys tomorrow. Peace!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

What’s up folks? Hope you guys are doing well. We are the NSR Family with the Tuesday surf report. Today we went to the beach in the afternoon hoping to ride some waves. Unfortunately the wind was onshore but there were still some shoulder high waves coming in. The lineup was not busy at all..

Welcome everybody to our Monday surf report. Here we have Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia showing you all the surf action for today. This morning we woke up super early and drove up north to score some great waves. The waves were small but there were some fun sets coming through,..