The thing about this place is it ALWAYS has something to surf. I think I’ve counted seriously maybe 1 to 3 days in a total year where I saw nobody out surfing, something. So for that matter we’re incredibly lucky here in the land of waves o’ plenty!

On the flip side of that coin, just as I heard on the beach today from some surfing friends who have been here for a couple weeks now… “it’s pretty easy to get spoiled here and only go out when it’s really good”. Which is my sentiment for todays surf.

It wasn’t the best day of waves….. however what do you do when it’s 4 star day out to 10 star rating scale. Well you pull out the ol’ floaties and do this! We don’t have lazy rivers here, but we have the next best thing! jajajaja

Seth speeding down the line on his brand new KS signature model tabla.

Man that board looks super sick under your feet buddy!!!

I caught up with Mr. Seth afterwards and he showed me his new shred stick up close. The thing seriously is mental looking! 6’ 0”, set up to be a quad @ 30 liters and the shape to volume ratio with that template makes you want to just grab that thing and paddle out and try it. Stoked on your new whip amigo!!!

Dive, dive, dive… Take her down, thuh-ree degrees down bubble!!

A nice turn on a nice wave on a somewhat mediocre day…. it’s what keeps em coming back every time. Because all the other days are 8 stars or higher!

Mr. Scott Wallach. Today as I stood there and watched him surf, I had this bit of an epiphany. Scott is like our local Sunny Garcia. BIG Gnarly Dude, but super nice and mellow, but I would HATE to make him angry or even want to be on his “bad-side”, he can surf anything from 2 feet all the up to as big as it can handle, but the real magic and comparison to the Hawaiian legend is, the bigger the waves, the more these surfer types shine.

Looking forward to seeing Scotty go XXL this season when the buoys start hitting purple!

Ok, back to the drawing boards. haha (sorry Mike) we’ve ALL had those epic shocker days at PD’s! That’s why we love that wave so much, right?!? hahaWell, we’re hitting our weekend stride. I might just go back down and see how the evening session is panning out back down at the sand bars. See you guys again mañana – Yewwwww ~

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Happy Friday everyone! Today the waves were firing. They were a bit fast, but that’s what makes this wave so fun. Never a slow moment at one of the best barreling waves here in Nicaragua.

The weather is changing down here in Nicaragua and the light onshore breeze that greeted our arrival to the beach is a sign of that change. We found waist to shoulder high conditions today and while it was a little crumbly, the water is really warm and there was a little punch to the set..