We’ve got Roberto

Here is Dean going to the other way. Dean is having a great time in Nicaragua and sends love to his wonderful wife Rene.

Here is Randy taking a nice left hander. These guys really had fun today.

Those guys were having a good time, but there were somebody else who was enjoying and trying to get a shot on NSR. Do you know who is that beatiful chick ripping it up?

She is my new friend Holly Beck, she surf pretty well and she’s cute too.

Here is Jim with a cool back side looking for the barrel. All these guys are from San Diego.

Here is Dave

And Erick is the lastone of the crew. It was so nice to have down here guys.

There is another crew who wants my services for tomorrow, so stay tuned with us.

We all know Mr. Brown knows how to find a barrel, but now he’s a local legend in the spearfishing community. Mr. Brown headed out in front of his house over the weekend and got into a feeding frenzy. By the time it was over, he was covered in blood and had landed two Giant Roosterfish. Known to be one of the strongest fighters in the world, Mr. Brown wrestled this one for over 30 minutes before finally “braining” it with his hand knife. The first one was about 55lbs and this one was over 80lbs! We’d like to thank our friends at Surfari Charters for sending in these shots of Mr. Brown last Friday. Who you calling Punani now?

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

OK, so today we have the second National Surf Contest being run out here at Playa Santana. We’ve got over 60 competitors from San Juan Del Sur, Limon, Las Salinas, Masachapa and Las Penitas. There are tents set up all over the beach, there’s plenty of food and drinks and the music is blasting from..