Today the brothers Chamorro were flying all over the place and they were having so much fun out there. Here we have Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro commanding the line-up with a cool air move.

What about Pancho Chamorro getting back to the action today. This guy was catching a couple good ones with his brothers “La Gaviota” and “La Baloy”. Here he is with a nice botton turn on a good looking right.

Today we get back with the interviews with a cute girl. Hi everybody my name is Mijke , I’am from Holland and I’ve been traveling in Nicaragua around one week, it’s a beautiful country. I was visiting many beaches and i like all of them but one of my favorites is Maderas because the waves are fun, the water is so good and clear, nice people and of course the sun is great down here in Nicaragua. Thank Mijke for your words.

“La Baloy” was ripping it up and also he was flying all over the place as always. This guy was doing a great work today. Here he is with a good air maneuver.

Allan “La Prenda” Carcamo paddled out too for a while and he was catching some fun waves. Here he goes riding a nice left.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

From time to time we come across truly excellent real estate investment opportunities and feel compelled to share them with our audience. We have a handful of Hacienda Iguana Golf Lots for an excellent price. These are being made available exclusively to the NSR community. The lots are a five minute walk from Playa Colorado,..

OK, so today we have the second National Surf Contest being run out here at Playa Santana. We’ve got over 60 competitors from San Juan Del Sur, Limon, Las Salinas, Masachapa and Las Penitas. There are tents set up all over the beach, there’s plenty of food and drinks and the music is blasting from..