I was checking this spot because was the only one have surfers in the line up. The ramp look good, to get speed and make long turns!!!

The direction of this swell look good right now. Both ways are working good( Left and Right ). The wind is four knots per hours, so the wave not is shaped for the wind. We need six to seven knots for this place go bigger, because this wave can handle triple overhead.

The waves is not to big, but are strong and I seen a bunch surfboards broken the last few days. Some surfboards are in the garbage basket, on the gardens and this one, his owner put in the way to the beach. That means!!! ” be careful”. Sometime is better rent a surfboard here if you don’t want to see one of your favorite surfboard in your home have this final. I broke two surfboard the last year.

I saw my friends Tim, Jeff and Jason watching the waves and drinking coffee. Perfect no body was surfing so why don’t chilling with this friends. After a few minutes some sets start coming, so everything was going better.

This left was working so we start thinking: Sometime the people is asking for empty beaches without crowds and today is happen. Is the last day of this guys and nobody in the line up.

Is the last day, so Steve takes his board and paddle out with the intention of have fun. Looking just for a good one.

He find one and make a cut, but two days ago he have a cut in the surf report. So we asking for something more interesting !!! This is the firts vercion of his air!!!! Ahhhaaaahahahha. That was really fun!!!

But Steve did not give up. He try again and he look like he is going up. Second try!!!

Yeah!!! In his third wave, in the second try. We were so happy looking one of our buddies, making us laughing and after, he made a good one. That was the best thing happening in the morning.

All this days, I saw steve trying something. Like the second photo of him in the report. Now we know he was trying an air.

That is Steve, you can go home and remember this beautiful week. Good way to end you trip to Nica Land. See you next time. Hopefully this year. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody. This is Armando Lopez with the Tuesday report. The set keep bringing waves overhead. The water is warm and I think gonna be like this for the rest of the year. The offshore wind is soft and the wave have good shape.