The waves were coming in group of three waves in the sets. Here is Blair, she was probably the first one to take a wave. The conditions were magnific for this girls, your don’t think so????.

Karen is the Lady in red. She have good style when ride those waves. She ride I think three of these waves and she went all the way to the beach. The surf instructor were awesome. They pick up just the best waves for them.

The day was super fun. We hit the tide in the right moment and this girls ride more than one good wave. Here is Shara taking his first steps as a surfer girl. Well, we have another member in the great family of surfers.

Shara can’t believe what cool is do surf. She probably was impresionante to see the water from this perspective.

Well, there are two Sarah in our group. Here is Sarah the professional. She was riding two super long waves.

In one of those waves she almost have a tube. Well, only the hand was in, but she was riding this wave for about seventy meters long.

There are moments for rest and talking about the last wave, between the sets. Here is the crew surrounding to Oliver making sure he can’t catch a wave.

Katerine was catching two of the biggest wave in the morning session. She is using a 5’11” FireWire surfboard and she is flying with the speed she get.

Some of the guys in the line up we’re super impressive of see Karen riding this wave with a sexy style. Check she hair floating in the breeze.

After a few days of learning to surf, kelly have one of her best days of surf. She was blessing with some of the long waves today. She was the first one coming out the water, because in an hour she already have a tons of perfect waves.

Kelly learned to have a good balance and she know how take her own wave, so from here to forwards she will be thinking in the ocean when she come back home.

Lulu is always supporting the girls in the water, but she also was riding some of the few rights in this point. Everybody try to go away from the rocks, but here, she is going straight to the rocks, but its because she is too pro surfer.

I love to surf and I like to see people learning, make me remember me my first day in the water. I hope this girls never stop to surf and probably one day your can recognise at Blair in the line up of California. For me to know of a lot of people have his first surf experience in my country it’s always a placer.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello my friends. This week the weather is changes of Summer to Winter (Dry to rain). So de humidity is high. Is so hot even five in the morning, is like smoke was in the air. For this reason the water is glassing and warm. The waves not are big yet. The set are shoulder..