Sweet Water Fund and HighPlace are collaborating on two art shows/fundraisers that will take place Thursday, May 15th and Friday 16th. The funds raised will benefit Las Poderosas (The powerful females) an all girls sports and wellness program started by The Highplace Foundation with the intent of clearing the path for young girls with dreams to become strong women with vision. The Thursday event will take place at Cafe Revolucion on Playa Maderas. This show will include: a live painting performance throughout the night, an additional live painting exhibit done by the audience, a silent auction of art, and massage service. This is a call to attend the event or to DONATE YOUR UNWANTED BROKEN BOARD which will be used as canvases for the artwork. Email[email protected]if you have a board to donate.
The waves had some good shape and all the boys in the water were having a good time on them. We are still waiting for the first day of rain and we tough that would be today because it was kinda cloudy!
A few decent waves rolled in every twenty five minutes and there was always somebody on them for sure. Lucky boy taking a sweet peeler.
Cool little barrels to chase. Yeahhh buddy!
A few shredders made it out and they were doing their thing. Cool off the lip!
Kiki Nica was the only chica in the water today. Here she is caught picking up a sweet one.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Hi folks, the waves dropped a bit but there were still some fun waves rolling in. Chest to shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds in the morning but it changed to side-shore in the afternoon, but the water was wonderful. Check it out!!!