The left were predominant in size, shape and this is the second day in a row the low tide was the best, with a little heavy waves.

Here is another guy getting a barrel. The medium side waves were less heavy, good for get in and don’t worry for be pounded.

Here is Federico, he keep killing the barrels. All the time he spend here was perfect condition and good waves. He feel so happy for pick up this time of the year for his surf trip.

You can see that is true. This season promises to be better than last year because the sandbar is working super good.

This guy made a celebration after finishing this wave, so we believe was special for him. So, this is why you’re in NSR.

This is one of the best wave today. Today 3 boards were broken. After fall in this pipe, the board come in two pieces.

Hamish visit us from Australia one of the surf capital and here is doing a nice cut.

Most rights had this beautiful shape. This right is running even with full tide and has more distance and the in side section give you a good little nugget.

Federico is famous today in NSR. He had 145 barrels in one week. It is not an exaggeration.

Some bombs in the sets. This guy save his surfboard from this left. $ 400 save.

Ok. amigos. This is all for today. All the next two week promise to be good waves. More than overhead. So keep watching the surf report.

Last night we had a small party on the beach. Some Nicaraguan girls danced Samba. I had the opportunity to dance with them. For a while I felt I was in Brazil. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Super fun waves at the first day of the final surf contest at Playa Jiqueliste (Santana). Head high plus waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and killer water temperature. Check it out!!!