There are more waves breaking left in this week. The ninety percent of the waves are breaking with good shape. That means we are exciting for the next good swell hit this sand bank.

The two peaks were ending together in this part of the beach and Oscar Espinoza was ripping today in this spot with a lot of different maneuvers.

Oscar was killing the waves today. He was smashing the waves even in the danger part close to the beach.

Some waves keep going good until the sand and the surfers keep going until the beach too. Until the super last chance to get out. I saw Carlitos Perez get a bruise in his leg for hit the floor yesterday.

I tell you!!! This Young man have a full hands of tricks!!! He is good in every kind of wave.

Were some waves breaking were usually ever did. This wave was good and long and no body was looking for.

Ok. Amigos. The waves will be the same for tomorrow, but will be progressing for the next days. So be tuned to see one of the best beach break in this world (turn on.!!!!). Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hello fellas, Here is the surf report for today. Beautiful conditions with steady offshore winds, nice blue sky and head high waves. Mellow crowd with good consistency. Today was smaller than yesterday, with the swell picking up over the next couple days.