Here’s our boat crew! It was Chewy, Hace Queso, Mateo “Guineo”, The Godfather, Codo and “Nacho Mama”. You also get a sick shot of our city, San Juan Del Sur in the background. “Come Pan” was on the boat too but somebody had to take all the sick pictures!
“Hace Queso” was slaying the fish! She doesn’t usually fish but when she does she reels ‘em in! Here she is with a tuna hoping for sashimi!
Well after all that catching fish we jumped in the water to cool off, and spearfish of course! Here’s the crew playing around, looking like weird mermaids! Look how clear the water was!
We want to give a special shout out to Chewy. He’s never been out in the water using a spear gun so everybody was kind of scared and swimming away from him. At the end of the day he got a 15 pound jack. You did it really well for first time buddy, good thing you didn’t drowned!
Jairo is always able to get some killer water shots, even when the surf is not doing its thing. Check out this nice looking shot. Can you guess what it is?
On the way back home we found these guys on the dock. They are long line fisherman that go out for two weeks at a time. All the fish you see are halves of sharks. The waves are supposed to be about the same tomorrow so be sure to check us back out.As always, click on any of the photos above to go to the NSR Surf Shots photo galleries to see more pictures.
Here’s another shot of the wind farm out by Lake Nicaragua. Nicaragua is down with the alternative energy! Right now they have around 16 and they are huge! We got this shot on the way home and we wanted to show you the windmills we have down here! Great shot matt, and out of a moving car! Epic!
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Hi everybody, welcome to the Monday surf report. We are Jairo and Roberto reporting from up north. Today we woke up early in the morning to score some fun waves with the crews. Yeah guys, today Lucha have the Virginia Beach guys and Come Pan was hired by our Brazilian friends. So today we split the waves and..