Before we get to today’s report we want to throw a couple of shots in from lastnight. Since the waves were big and closing out at this spot, a few guys opted to open up the river and get a little bit of surf in it.

Check out this dude styling on his bodyboard. We have to say that it was super fun and a lot of guys jumped out to get pounded because it was pretty stong too.

Lastnight we planed to go on a boat today but I hurt my back pretty bad yesterday so I was not able to get on it because I didn’t want to feel worst. Anyway, the guys packed up and left about 4:30 am to get the boat. You can see Erick on this shot, still trying to open his eyes!

Right after the boys left I waited for a while and then I went to check the surf out front of the brand new NSR House. It didn’t look too excited but there were definitely some shoulders here and there!

D-lite and I went for a drive, hoping to find a good spot to surf and this is what we found. Nice peeler lefts every once in a while with nobody out!

It was pretty hard to score the good ones, lots of water moving, huge currents and the winds were not cooperating. D-lite got a couple of decent rides and here he is dropping in on one of them.

We found El Zorro Blanco with all his Zorritos, checking the spot out. They asked me for a pic to be post on the site and here it is. Remember that here at NSR we do our best to do all your dreams come true.

Oliver “El Monito” Solis showed up and paddle right away to get this one. Shot 1, setting up!

Shot 3, huge section coming at to him!

Shot 4, this is what we call charging!

Shot 6, of course he didn’t make it but we have to giving the credit for tackling that beast. At the end of the session we asked him how it was and he said IT WAS FUN!!!

One last shot from this spot. Erick will be posting a couple shots later from the boat trip so you better stay tuned.

What is up people! Eric here with some shots from an undisclosed location to the north of Lucha. We pulled up at this spot later on in the morning after a quick surf session up north. The waves were pumping! Well overhead and nothing but heavy tubes! The wind was cooperating well and only a few guys were taking off in the sweet (and very mean) spot!

Right when we pulled up we saw our man JJ ripping. He was going vertical where most surfers would be running!

Mason from Wrightsville Beach, N.C. paddled out and pulled into some thick barrels. But, as Mason knows, sometimes you’ve gotta pay to play. This one didn’t end too well for him!

Carlos Caliente paddled into a couple angry ones! It looks like an easy wave right? Check out the sequence!

Shot 3

Shot 4

Shot 5 … Doesn’t look like a very nice wave anymore.

Shot 6. The money shot!

Shot 7. Getting a little deep there Carlos… Looks like you might not come out.

Shot 8.

Shot 9. Whhaaat! Carlos, if only you could play ping pong as well as you can get barreled!

JJ wasn’t just ripping turns, this guy got slotted! Setting up for the tube nice and relaxed.

Some waves were pretty perfect, while others were riddled with steps in the face. This one is lookin’ pretty perfect to me.

JJ from Popoyo Surf Lodge brought out his ski to get in as deep as he could. He towed Capt. Lance Moss, in so he could enjoy the view from inside a meaty one!

This man was pulling in from way inside, leading to shacks like this one. Lance again, logging some more tube time!

Capt. Josco got whipped into some beautys! The Surfari Charters guys were on it! We hope to be seeing some insane barrel footage in the near future!

Can you take a guess who this is? This man was putting on a good show. Capt. Moss charging!

Carlos and Pancho paddled out on their own. Here’s Carlos Caliente bottom turning on this monster!

Mason made it here also and he was charging. This is him pulling in a big tube section.

An empty one goes off with nobody in sight. Big swell all down the coast today! That’s all for today. We’ll be back again tomorrow with more action straight from the beach!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hey this is Chewy with Reporte del Norte! The waves were super small today, like waist high early but the swel started to fill in a little so we went out for a sunset session and got some fun waves and got to watch the sunset over some beers… just in time for the Laker..

Hey everybody, welcome to the Tuesday surf report. Today the waves were about the same as yesterday, so we decided to take the boat out instead of surfing. So we’re calling ourselves Nicaragua Spearfishing Report! The water was super clear and the temperature was perfect! Check it out!

Hi everybody, welcome to the Monday surf report. We are Jairo and Roberto reporting from up north. Today we woke up early in the morning to score some fun waves with the crews. Yeah guys, today Lucha have the Virginia Beach guys and Come Pan was hired by our Brazilian friends. So today we split the waves and..