We all love the tropical Nicaraguan weather, always better when the waves are super fun. Beautiful scene, isn’t it?

Leni was packing some sick right handers on his backhand. What a view!!!

A few guys were taking advantage in the inside section. This boy was having so much fun in the insiders.

Beautiful peelers all over the place, you just needed to be in the right place. The low tide was sucking as hell, making some sweet conditions for some drainers.

Carlitos Caliente made it out and he was able to grab a couple of nice ones but he missed the one. Just a little too late amigo!

But Carlitos wasn’t the only surfer missing the one. What a shame!

Did I say you had to be in the right spot? This guy was in the right spot as you can see, check out this little sequence.

Shot 4, still going!

And out. Buena amigo!

Nice little nuggets all day long. We have to say that the lineup was a little too busy today so you really had to be patient.

Also to work on your wipe out style. Kaboooommmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

The waves at horse shoes were surfers fun and there were only four guys in the water. Whattttt!!!

Simoncito took the day off expecting to score the wave of the month but it wasn’t today. Anyway he was able to ride some sweet ones.

Amazing lefts to be taken, but again you had to be in the right spot. Nobody on this one!

Mateito got a little late to the action and he actually broke his favorite board today just paddling out, he got the biggest set of the day on his head. Anyway he took a second stick out and got a few. Beautiful drop sequence!

Air droppinnnnnnnnnnnnnn””.

Bottom turn and expecting to make it down the face, but it was too late. Sick landing amigo!

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Second and last day of the contest at Playa Santana. The conditions were amazing, head high plus waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and beautiful water. Check it out!!!