I spent another day with the cool Brazilian crew and they scored again. This is Lipe attacking the lip of this little nugget.
Marcio, the birthday man was killing it out there. He’s turning 39 years old today but he still rips like a 25 year old kid.
This is Richard going big on this nice section with a cool floater. Roberto was watching all the action from the boat.
Lars left all the pains and paddled out to get some shots. Here he is about to throw the lip off the back on this nice looking right.
Adilson was also trying to go vertical this morning. It was like a vertical move contest out there, but it is pretty hard to tell who the winner is.
Bell gave his fins a work out today. He was doing some big roundy maneuvers all over the place. Check him out on the last shot of this crew.
You do not get to see you face expression while you are surfing very often. Check out this guy having a blast out there.
This ripper was flying all over the place. Every time we had the pleasure to see him out there, he was pulling some crazy maneuvers. He landed this one so easy and we have the proof.
Nothing better than a good floater to enjoy the view from up top. We hope to have better conditions tomorrow so stay tuned with us!!!
Just a few adds more for today’s report. This is Mauricio on his third time down here. He was shredding up all over the place and at the end of the sesh he said I AM VERY HAPPY TO HERE, right now!!!
On the last shot of the day we have Cristiano tearing it up on this wave. He just had a knee surgery and he was not supposed to be here but he made it anyway and he is having a blast!
Hey viewers! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind was relatively mild today, especially in the morning and evening. It was small, but I’ll take small with no wind at Pangas over big and nuking wind.
Monday did not disappoint! Welcome to today’s surf action from Panga Drops. I took photos in the morning and in the evening. This chica has been crushing it at sunset the past few days. She doesn’t miss many waves haha!
Sunday Funday! Welcome to this morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. There was a surprise bump in the size and the wind was light. Probably the best waves we’ve had in a week or two, in my opinion. Zach with a big late drop and a cameo from..
Yes it is I Chewy with the surf report for Tuesday. The surf is virtually unsurfable running around head high with strong onshore winds. Check it out.
First shot of the day we got Jamil “El Coqui” Brox bottom turning on one of the best waves of the day. There wasn’t much of crowd out there, but he was one of two locals so he had to represent his homeland!
Hi everyone, we’ve got Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia with the last surf report of the week for the Virginia Crew this year.This morningwe woke up really early to try to score a couple of waves.Someof the crew just left today, but the rest stayed a little longer to get a few more waves.Its chest to shoulder high on..